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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Most Effective Ways of Eliminating Bad Breath

Bad breath (halitosis) is a health complaint that we all have to endure from time to time and therefore we should not be overly embarrassed at the fact that we happen to suffer from it. However, if you are serious about ridding yourself of it, it is crucial that you actually educate yourself as to the truth about what causes bad breath so that you can tackle the problem at the source rather than wasting time dealing only with the symptoms.

There are a significant number of myths that surround the issue of bad breath both in terms to what causes it, as well as the solutions associated with it. How many of us use mints, breath freshener and mouth wash all in an attempt to camouflage that noxious odor which is in our mouth? The problem with these products is that they only provide a temporary solution at best and when they cease to provide the results that they did to begin with, they then become part of the problem. If you want to eliminate bad breath, don't rely on a shortcut. Bad breath home remedies are a safer option.

If you see tablets that claim to treat and prevent stale breath being produced from the stomach then please be aware that at best these tablets are sadly mistaken as to their effectiveness, and at worst, they are being sold by retailers who are well aware of their limitations and yet are still trying to profit from you.

You see, bad breath does not come from stale breath or gases from the is caused by the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth. Before you get all panicky and concerned that you are somehow a walking, breathing Petri dish, everyone has the bacteria and not just you, and it is entirely natural. These bacteria break down particles in the mouth (such as food debris, the acid from your stomach and the alcohol found in breath freshening products) and when they do, they release sulfuric compounds as waste material. This causes the unpleasant, bad breath smell.

Therefore, if you are genuinely interested in ensuring that you lose your bad breath on a more permanent basis, your best bet is to ensure that you actually curtail the activities of the bacteria. By brushing your teeth for several minutes you will actually remove the bacteria from your mouth, please note that this will require around 2-4 minutes of vigorous brushing not the 30 seconds tickle that most of seem to think passes for good oral hygiene.

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