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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Five Bad Breath Causes

There is nothing worse than being near someone that has bad breath. For a majority of people ( 85 to 90%) bad breath, or halitosis as it is also called, is produced from oral bacteria. That waft of the offensive smell is very off-putting. In most instances, the person with the offensive smell has no idea that they are suffering from this problem. But what are bad breath causes? This article outlines the five common causes of this annoying problem.

Here are the top five causes:

#1 - Food - What you eat will directly affect on your breath. Some foods can be worse than others and they all affect people in different ways. However the most common offending foods include garlic, onions and some spicy foods. Also a diet with a lot of protein.

There are many foods with high protein - meat, fish seafood, eggs and dairy foods are obvious examples. The bad breath is the waste products ( volatile sulfur compounds) that are produced by bacteria as they consume protein. Therefore the bacteria in our mouth is feeding on the protein we consume.

#2 - Dry Mouth - Also known as xerostomia is one of the main bad breath causes. This is caused in a few ways including the altering of the pH balance in the mouth and produces an environment that is much more conducive to the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Because there is less saliva the flushing and cleansing benefits of saliva is reduced - bacteria is more concentrated in the saliva especially in the accumulation of bacteria and cellular debris in the oral cavity. Also, when we sleep we don't produce as much saliva. That is why you wil often notice that you breath smell is worse in the morning. Common causes of xerostomia include ageing, insufficient fluid intake, using alcohol based mouth rinses, and numerous medications.

#3 - Smoking - The tar and nicotine gets stuck in your mouth if you are a smoker, especially on the tongue and teeth. It also relates to number 2 of this article - dry mouth that is also produced by smoking. Smoking also increases the temperature in the mouth, causing damage to the oral tissues in the mouth.

#4 - Teeth Diseases - Many teeth diseases including decay in the mouth can produce that bad smell, including periodontal disease (gum disease). This is a bacterial infraction that is located in the tissue that surround the teeth. Often the bacteria resides so deep in the tissue that a person cannot effectively cleanse them. These pockets are an idea place for the bacteria to live. However, you can make sure that you floss regularly and also brush your teeth, and if the problem continues then it is best to visit your dentist.

#5 - Sinus - This can also affect the quality of a persons breath because the postnasal drip that is created by sinus conditions and allergies can deposit onto the bad portion of a person's tongue. This discharge can have a bad smell and taste. As well, bacteria can feed on this discharge, thus adding to the bad breath problem.

If you think you have halitosis, or if you are a sufferer,then go to your dentist or doctor for further help. or go buy a guide on the topic. There are many great guides available online to download.

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