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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get Rid of Bad Breath - What Your Dentist Won't Tell You

Let's just get right to the point here -- your breath is a little "questionable" to say the least, and you're tired of not being able to interact with people in the way that you can in your head. Trust me, I know what you're going through because I've been in that situation before. You can relax, because in this article I'm going to tell you about a remedy to get rid of bad breath that you're going to want to get your hands on.

I always had a nagging "feeling" that my breath wasn't very fresh, even after brushing my teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash. I think what tipped me off was this persistent taste in my mouth, and also how my saliva smelled.

You probably heard all the myths that I did about bad breath, such as that all you need to do is brush your teeth and tongue and floss every now and then and you'll be good to go. Trust me, I've known people who barely do any of those things that have fresh breath, and then there's people like me who struggled with it for years while doing all of those things. Standard dental care has little to do with it, or we'd probably all have fresh breath by now.

These myths only hurt bad breath victims like yourself, because people tend to think that it's "your fault." It is anything but your fault. Those that have responsibility to help us, the dental community, actually do little when it comes to bad breath, ignoring the problem and spouting out the same old myths like "floss daily to avoid bad breath."

I'm not saying you should go around eating garlic every meal and never brushing your teeth. I'm just saying that there's a reason that some people never seen to worry about their breath, while others just can't get it out of their minds.

Okay, so you're probably wondering what you can actually do to get rid of bad breath. Well, what finally worked for me was to use a certain neutralizing formula. You see, bad breath is caused by sulfur producing bacteria that lives in various regions of your mouth. Some of us have different geographic properties in our mouths, providing a more hospitable environment for those bad guys.

Therefore, the bad breath cure needs to create a more hostile environment for the bacteria that cause bad breath. One that lasts at least all day.

Bad breath can be cured, and it's very unfortunate that my dentist was never able to tell me how to get rid of bad breath. I'm a little bitter that I had to find the product that worked for me all on my own, but that's life.

The bad breath product I used to finally get rid of my bad breath is called TheraBreath. Thankfully, it's fairly inexpensive and keeps my breath fresh all day for only about 30 seconds of work per day. I've written a review on it, and I've also included information about how you can try it for free. Click the link below that says "TheraBreath Review" to check it out.

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