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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Solving the Problem of Chronic Bad Breath

Some instances of bad breath can easily be remedied by brushing your teeth or chewing a breath mint. However, there are also some cases that keep recurring no matter how often you brush or how much mouthwash you gargle daily. Chronic bad breath can be very inconvenient especially when you are required to constantly interact with other people.

One of the biggest problems is that other people will often notice it before you do. Most of the time, people go around with their normal lives not knowing that they are putting other people off because of their breath. For this reason, it is advisable to perform regular checks and be more observant of how people react when you get close to them.

An unpleasant taste in the mouth is one of the indications of bad breath. If you constantly have a bitter flavor in your mouth, this may mean that you have too much oral bacteria that causes not only a repulsive taste but a foul odor as well.

Try to observe how people behave when you are in the vicinity. Do they turn their head away when you talk to them? Do they frequently offer you breath mints and gum? Or do they simply avoid talking to you at all? Most people will not be comfortable in telling you directly that you do have chronic bad breath, so you have to be very observant about these signs, which might be their way of subtly telling you that you do have a problem. If somebody does react in these ways whenever you are near, try not to be offended and just find a solution to your problem.

Another way to check for chronic bad breath is to stick out your tongue at yourself in front of the mirror. If you don't regularly clean your tongue after brushing, you will see a white or yellowish film towards the back of your tongue, which are actually food particles and bacteria that have accumulated over time. If not removed for a while, they will eventually become a source of foul odor in your mouth.

Once you have confirmed that you do have a problem, you can immediately start taking control of the situation. Improve your dental hygiene and see a dentist if necessary, and you will soon observe improvements in your social, professional and personal life.

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