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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Marriage And Problems - 3 Principles To Breath Love Into Your Marriage

Marriage and problems don't have to go together! You can overcome your marriage problems and replace them with a loving and caring relationship. It's just a matter of knowing what to do and then doing it.
It is a shame that divorce is on the's so hurtful for the couple and the children involved.

Don't let your marriage problems destroy your marriage and your love for one another! Instead, follow the principles below to breath new life into your marriage.

Principle 1 - Forgive and forget!

One of the biggest marriage problems is the most basic and important to remember: we are all imperfect and we all make mistakes. Yep, both you and your spouse make mistakes.

That brings us to the next point: we all need to be patient and forgiving with our spouse and our spouse with us. When you or your spouse is under stress, which is common these days, you are bound to be more harsh or impatient than when you are relaxed and rested. That is usually when bad stuff happens.

Why not just accept that you and your spouse are human, so mistakes, wrong words, and wrong actions will happen. Then learn to forgive and forget, and be thankful when your spouse does the same for you.

Principle 2 - Love Is Not A One-Way Street

The marriage and problems issue can be totally dissipated by understanding that love is not a one-way street, and then living that way. What I mean by "love is not a one-way street" is that love is a give and take proposition. Now notice that I put "give" first.

The best definition of true love that I can come up with is: "Love is a choice to sacrifice for the good of another..." That's right, if you and your spouse will just commit to making your spouse happy, you both will have all your love-needs met by the other.

Love is not selfish and cares for the other person. That's what makes real lovers, true lovers.

My wife and I have been married for 44 years and are still in love because we both put this principle into practice. Why? Because I really love her and she really loves me, and the love grows as we seek to make each other happy. And what fun!

That makes for a lot of loving give-and-take!

Principle 3 - Practice Good Communication

Good communication is indispensable for a happy marriage.

Good communication will always enrich your marriage...and your problems will dissipate as a result. This does not mean that marriage problems will never come, but that you will be able to handle them. And, as a result, your marriage will come out more enriched than ever.

So learn to sit down with your spouse and talk. Not to accuse, not to criticize, not to vent...just to figure out why this problem is happening and then to do whatever it takes to avoid it from now on.

That's what makes for good, loving communication.

A Very Important Step To Safeguard Your Marriage

The 3 principles above are important for a healthy marriage. But if you really want to safeguard your marriage, and problems still keep creeping in (and they will), there is a lot more to learn than what I have given you here.

To find a lot more on how to solve your marriage problems, go to my Marriage and Problems page, or, if you want a complete solution to your marriage problems, go to now!

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