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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bad Breath and Green Tea - Let the Battle Begin

Okay, your breath stinks and you're tired of putting up with ignorant comments spewed by people around you. You're tired of seeing people pinching their noses in disgust when talking to you. You're ticked off and ready to battle away this embarrassing problem. If this is the case, then please continue reading as this bad breath and green tea article will explore some of the reasons why this beverage should be added to your arsenal against halitosis.

Green tea contains a generous dose of bacteria slaying compounds like polyphenols, theaflavins, and catechins. Therefore, drinking a few cups each day helps to prevent bacteria from breeding excessively. Another benefit of this beverage is that its rich polyphenols content can actually hinder productions of germs that cause gum disease. A fact made possible due to extensive studies done by a team of Japanese researches from Kyushu University in Fukuoka.

But let's not give praise to green tea exclusively. The fact of the matter is, any type of tea - be it green or black, contains powerful antioxidant properties that can do wonders for your body if consumed on a daily basis. However it has been established that due to standard fermentation process, the antioxidant elements in black tea are lower in comparison.

I suggest that you mix a couple of coriander seeds and clove buds into a cup of hot tea to increase its potency. Many traditional Chinese herbalists utilize the power of these ingredients to treat bad breath and when combined with green tea, they become sort of a "super beverage" that reduces mouth malodor considerably.

Let me remind you however that drinking this beverage alone won't help you attain a cleaner breath. If your condition is on the chronic side then your best bet is to adhere to basic halitosis prevention rules in addition to consuming this beverage each day. Here are some basic rules to follow so you can get immediate results.

Ensure that you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to keep yourself fully hydrated and prevent bacteria from generating at a massive rate. If you're a smoker, then please kick the habit as soon as possible.

And here's another crucial rule to abide by: Don't drink too much alcoholic beverages. Reduce consumption to a couple of small servings per week. Otherwise, this drying agent will severely dehydrate you thereby producing more oral bacteria that can make your breath smell like a bunch of rotten eggs! Once you follow the aforementioned rules to a T, you can start fighting bad breath and use green tea as one of your main weapons against it!

That's not all however, chronic bad breath is very difficult to chase away if you don't apply an effective systematic mouth cleansing process each day. No matter how many times you brush, floss, and gargle with mouthwash, oral bacteria still remain in the nooks and crevices in your mouth thus producing bad breath in a constant manner.

I've discovered a powerful process to help you solve your bad breath problem in approximately 3 weeks. This process is highly economical and highly effective. To get instant access to your bad breath solution, go to now to make sure you don't miss out on it and get started on your treatment process ASAP.

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