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Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to Find Remedies For Bad Breath

Personal hygiene is big business in the United States. We are bombarded with ads telling us how to be clean and smell clean. One of the biggest concerns for most of us is does our breath smell clean and fresh. Nothing can be a bigger turn off to people than if you have bad breath.

If you want to fight bad breath you must first know what is causing it. For most people that have bad breath it is caused by a build up of bacteria in the mouth that causes this foul smelling odor. Some people have aweful breath once in a while, while for others it is a chronic problem. If you can get a handle on what is causing bad breath and start preventing it you can be a much happier more comfortable person. In this article I will give you some tips on how to prevent bad breath.

First, one very important way to stop bad breath is to drink more water. Water will flush out much of the bacteria that forms in your mouth. Also when you drink water your mouth does not become dry and prevents your mouth from getting the odor that dry mouth can cause. Keeping your mouth and body hydrated can be a great defense.

Second, watch the types of food you eat. If you eliminate certain foods you can be guaranteed that your breath will smell fresher. Eating foods that have a lot of onions and garlic are sure to effect your breath negatively. Heavy spiced foods can leave a bad odor in your mouth. If you know you are going to be around people you may want to avoid these types of food.

Third, you want to eat a healthy diet. Eating a well balanced diet filled with vitamins and nutrients keeps you from getting deficiencies that can be an underlying cause for terrible breath. What you put in your body effects the odors that come out of your body.

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