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Saturday, November 21, 2009

5 Sure Fire Bad Breath Treatment Strategies

Are you one of the millions of people world wide who have a bad mouth odor? Do you have a seemingly incurable bad breath problem? Have you tried to eliminate this disease without any success?

Any in this article, i present simple strategies you can start implementing to get rid of that foul mouth odor. Strategies that will pinch your pocket. They are dead simple and more importantly, very effective.

Here they are:

1. One of the primary causes of bad breath is bacteria from food left overs in your mouth. A simple way to prevent this bacteria from accumulating in your mouth and causing bad smelling odor is to maintain good oral hygiene.

And this is simple. Use good toothpaste. The toothpaste you are using must be able to remove the bacteria responsible for the mouth odor.

2. Avoid foods that make your bad mouth odor worse. Such foods include garlic, meats, fish, and cheeses. Foods rich in protein are the primary source of bad breath causing bacteria. If you have a severe case of bad breath, avoid them for a while while you get appropriate treatment.

3. Saliva has anti bacteria properties. So, make sure your mouth is able to generate saliva naturally. One sure way to achieve this is to take chewing gum regularly. Unfortunately, most chewing gum in the market contain too much sugar. One excellent substitute will be the therabreath chewing gum. It is excellent and help to treat halitosis as well.

4.Make sure you drink at least 8 cups of clean water daily. This helps to maintain proper hydration and also to get your mouth wet constantly.

5.Avoid acidic drinks like caffeine laden drinks. Tea is less acidic. Drink tea instead.

If you can constantly adhere to the above strategies, you will be able to keep bad breath at bay without burning a hole in your pocket.

Good Luck!

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