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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tonsilloliths and Bad Breath

Tonsilloliths are a major cause of chronic halitosis simply because tonsil stones are made of the same elements that provoke bad breath. The only known way to treat one or the other is through an adequate prevention treatment.

Today we know that for some 90% of cases, chronic bad breath is caused by a bacterial imbalance in the mouth. These halitosis causing anaerobic bacteria are by definition oxygen intolerant and will therefore seek areas of the mouth that will allow them to survive and develop. These areas need three main attributes to favor their survival.

- A very low or oxygen free environment

- Protection from saliva

- A food source

People who have tonsilloliths tend to possess deeper than average tonsil crypts where food particles and mucus accumulate. These tonsil crypts are perfect for anaerobic bacteria which allows them to feed and reproduce in vast numbers. When halitosis causing bacteria find a safe haven and a food source in which to develop, their numbers can increase into the 10s of Billions! As a result, they release a profusion of odorous volatile sulfur compounds that are exhaled when speaking.

Because there are over 20 different types of anaerobic bacteria present in the mouth, the smells they release can vary from feces to gasoline. This is a typical condition of Fetor Oris, otherwise known as chronic bad breath.

Although tonsilloliths differ in size from one person to the next, their composition have basically the same constituting elements.

- Mucus

- Dead blood cells

- Anaerobic bacteria

- Fungus

- Food residue

In 2007, a medical study revealed that for 75% of people suffering from chronic bad breath, tonsilloliths were a major cause. That's 3 out of every 4 people. When starting a prevention treatment for both halitosis, tonsils should be the first thing to check. Here are some of the symptoms for tonsil stones:

- Chronic bad breath

- Bad taste in the back of the throat

- Difficulty swallowing

- Swollen tonsils

- White spots on throat

- White tonsils

- Sore throat

- Tonsil Infection

The best way to treating tonsil stones and halitosis is by reversing the bacterial imbalance of the oral flora and limiting the presence of mucus and food debris in the mouth. There are several easy way to accomplish that with some discipline and a little technique using basic household products.

Having suffered from chronic bad breath for over 15 years, Rafik has become an expert in finding the different sources and cures for this condition. The adaptive capacities of anaerobic bacteria has made conventional long term treatment ineffective.

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