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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Beat Bad Breath Mornings

Who hasn't awoken disgusted with even their own morning breath? It happens to everyone in varying degrees on occasion but for many it's a daily problem. An embarrassing and disruptive problem if you share your bed. In some cases it's so bad that the room seems to have absorbed the awful morning breath smell and avoiding breathing in the direction of others until you get to the washroom to brush your teeth is not enough to cover up the problem.

What's To Blame
Dry mouth, tongue and throat is the biggest culprit when it comes to bad morning breath. It creates the perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria. When we sleep our bodies and organs slow down and this includes our salivary glands better known as our spit glands. A combination of reduced saliva, sleeping with an opened mouth, and increased VSC's (volatile sulfur compounds) are to blame for the foul odor.

If you are experiencing embarrassment and discomfort because of bad breath there's an online clinic evaluation you can take at to learn more about where the problem lies for you.

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands suggests the following easy, at home steps to help beat bad breath mornings:
1.Clean your teeth with a soft bristle brush after each meal for 2 or 3 minutes at a time.
2.Floss at least once every day.
3.Brush your tongue as far back as possible with your tooth brush or a tongue scraper.
4.If you have dentures, clean them thoroughly at least once every day.
5.Drink lots of water to keep your mouth moist. Chewing sugarless gum can also help with the added benefit of washing away food particles and bacteria.
6.Replace your tooth brush every three to four months.
7.Visit your dentist twice a year.
8.For temporary relief of bad breath chew on parsley or suck on sugarless mint.

Good Morning
If you've already tried all of the above solutions without success Dr. Harold Katz, the recognized Bad Breath Expert and founder of The California Breath Clinics suggests his products can make the nightmare of morning breath a thing of the past "in less than 45 seconds per day".
Dr. Katz offers reasons plus solutions in the "Bad Breath Bible". It's a quick 48 page informative read, so
do yourself a favor and delight the person you share your mornings.

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