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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Learn How to Treat Halitosis

I never imagined that I would have to figure out how to treat halitosis, but then I was diagnosed with the condition and had no choice but to learn how to deal with it. I kind of became obsessed with testing out different remedies and learning as much as I could about why it occurs and how to fix it. Three years later and I am halitosis-free! But trust me when I say this, I wouldn't be if I had not taken action and made changes in my diet and found the best bad breath medicine that actually works.

So if you are like me and you have symptoms such as bitter tastes in your mouth, white film on your tongue and a really dry mouth, you need to learn how to treat halitosis. I want to share my methods with you so that you can cure this as quickly as possible. So here is a list of what I did to get rid of bad breath:

I became the queen of brushing and flossing. It helps to keep extra toothbrushes and toothpastes in your handbags and at the office.
I used toothpastes that contained baking soda because it kills bacteria that causes bad breath. You can also just add baking soda to your toothpaste.
I became more aware of what I was putting into my body. Celery and carrots help prevent plaque so I ate a lot of those. I also tried to avoid spicy foods and fatty foods because they bring on bad breath.
I chewed a lot of lozenges and gum because they make your mouth salivate and saliva also fights the bacteria.
Finally, the best thing to do is to order a daily supplement that specializes in fighting against bad breath. Check out some review online to make sure that it's worked for other people.
Well, there you have it - how to treat halitosis. I promise that if you follow this list, you will be able to move on from this and forget that you ever suffered from it.

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